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How to apply to Polytech Marseille


Administrative registration is your entry point to the university after admission by the Pedagogical Commission.

It is compulsory, whether you are a future AMU student (baccalaureate holder, new arrival from another university, etc.) or already at AMU (re-registration). It allows you to become a student of the university by paying tuition fees. It enables you to obtain your certificate of enrolment and your student card, giving you access to all the activities offered by the University. It also enables you to obtain your digital identifier to connect to the digital working environment (ENT) and access over 30 services, including: access to your grades, your timetable, your exam calendar, the online internship platform (ESUP-STAGE), the online course platform (AMETICE).

Step 1: CVEC

The CVEC applies to all students admitted by the Faculty of Science's pedagogical committee, whether in initial training or apprenticeship.

It must be paid directly to the Crous. The cost of the CVEC is fixed, i.e. it is the same for everyone. It amounts to 100 euros for one year (2023-2024 rate).

The CVEC must be paid before you can register online.

Download your certificate of payment or exemption from the CVEC platform, which will be required for administrative registration.

You are not required to pay the CVEC if you are enrolling in a continuing education program, a professional training contract or a supervised mobility program in France.

Find out which steps to take according to your situation.

Step 2: First-time and returning students:

  • Enrolment in Peip A 1st year (general baccalaureate)

    • It is done remotely via the University's administrative registration website, from July 06, 2023 - 2pm, with a summer break in service (closed on July 21 and reopening on August 21).
    • The IA gives you access to your Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT), which you must activate.
  • Registration for Peip D (Bac STI2D)

    • They are done remotely via the web but for IUT. This is your main registration.
    • You will be invited to the Saint Jérôme site in September for an information session, as well as for your secondary registration at Polytech.
  • Enrolment in the Peip/Architecture double degree course

    • It is done remotely via the University's administrative registration website, from 06July 2023- 14h with a summer service interruption (closed on July 21 and reopened on August 21).
    • The IA gives you access to your Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT), which you must activate.

    Polytech is your main registration for this academic year. Registration fees must be paid at Polytech.

    You will then be able to register as a secondary student at ENSA.M, free of registration fees.

  • Registration for 3rd year (1st year of the engineering cycle)

    • This is done remotely via the University's administrative registration website, from July 11, 2023 - 2pm, with a summer break in service (closed on July 21 and reopening on August 21).
    • You must use the identifier you applied with by adding B22 + identifier (you must insert zeros 0 between B22 and your identifier to obtain a 10-character code).
    • The IA gives you access to your Environnement Numérique de Travail (ENT), which you must activate.
  • Apprenticeship registration

    Access to administrative registration does not definitively validate your enrolment in Polytech's apprenticeship program.

    At the end of the registration process, it will be put on hold and no certificate of enrolment will be available.

    Final registration is subject to the signature of the apprenticeship contract with the host company.

    For first-time entrants, this is done remotely via the web via the University's administrative registration site, from July 10, 2023 - with a summer break in service (closed on July 21 and reopening on August 21 ).

    Login :

    • Login : file number under e_candidat
    • Password: date of birth

    Students already enrolled at Aix-Marseille University can register via ENT.

    It is not possible to register via the web. A registration form will be sent by e-mail to future students.


  • Re-registration

    This must be done directly via your ENT .

    • from July 11, 2023 with a summer break (July 22 and reopening on August 22) for 2nd-year students, until September 15
    • from September 8 for 3rd year students until September 15
    • from September 8 for 4th and 5th year students until September 30.

    Reminder : Re-enrolment is possible after publication of the results of the year jury on Thursday, September 7, 2023.

Administrative registration is your entry point to the university after admission by the Pedagogical Commission.

It is compulsory, whether you are a future AMU student (baccalaureate holder, new arrival from another university, etc.) or already at AMU (re-registration). It allows you to become a student of the university by paying tuition fees. It enables you to obtain your certificate of enrolment and your student card, giving you access to all the activities offered by the University. It also enables you to obtain your digital identifier to connect to the digital working environment (ENT) and access over 30 services, including: access to your grades, your timetable, your exam calendar, the online internship platform (ESUP-STAGE), the online course platform (AMETICE).

Step 1: CVEC

The CVEC applies to all students admitted by the Faculty of Science's pedagogical committee, whether in initial training or apprenticeship.

It must be paid directly to the Crous. The cost of the CVEC is fixed, i.e. it is the same for everyone. It amounts to 100 euros for one year (2023-2024 rate).

The CVEC must be paid before you can register online.

Download your certificate of payment or exemption from the CVEC platform, which will be required for administrative registration.

You are not required to pay the CVEC if you are enrolling in a continuing education program, a professional training contract or a supervised mobility program in France.

Find out which steps to take according to your situation.

Step 2: First-time and returning students:

  • Apprenticeship registration

    Access to administrative registration does not definitively validate your enrolment in Polytech's apprenticeship program.

    At the end of the registration process, it will be put on hold and no certificate of enrolment will be available.

    Final registration is subject to the signature of the apprenticeship contract with the host company.

    For first-time entrants, this is done remotely via the web via the University's administrative registration site, from July 10, 2023 - with a summer break in service (closed on July 21 and reopening on August 21 ).

    Login :

    • Login : file number under e_candidat
    • Password: date of birth

    Students already enrolled at Aix-Marseille University can register via ENT.

    It is not possible to register via the web. A registration form will be sent by e-mail to future students.


  • Re-registration

    This must be done directly via your ENT .

    • from July 11, 2023 with a summer break (July 22 and reopening on August 22) for 2nd-year students, until September 15
    • from September 8 for 3rd year students until September 15
    • from September 8 for 4th and 5th year students until September 30.

    Reminder : Re-enrolment is possible after publication of the results of the year jury on Thursday, September 7, 2023.

Step 3: Supporting documents

  • Once your ENT account has been activated, you must scan and upload your PDF documents to the "Schooling" tab under "Supporting documents".

Once your administrative registration has been completed and your supporting documents have been deposited in your ENT, the Registrar's Office will check and validate your registration file (any false declaration or production of false documents will result in the cancellation of your registration).

BACK TO SCHOOL 2023-2024

The new academic year will start on Tuesday, September 5, 2023 for first-time students (attendance mandatory).

Campus de l'Etoile - Technopôle de Château-Gombert, 5 rue Enrico Fermi, 13013 Marseille, France

Program to follow


  • PeiP courses are held on the Saint-Jérôme site. Classes start on September 6, 2023.

Campus de l'Etoile / Polytech Saint-Jérôme 52 avenue escadrille Normandie Niemen - 13397 Marseille Cedex 20

  • Courses will start on September 11, 2023 on the respective campuses of each stream:

Luminy Campus: Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Materials

Château-Gombert campus: Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Energy, Microelectronics and Telecommunications

Saint-Jérôme Campus: Industrial Engineering

Registration contact

Contact à ajouter
Head of Schooling, Admissions & Student Life