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Careers Fairs

Professional events forum

Polytech Marseille, a university engineering school specializing in a wide range of trades and specialties, organizes events with its engineering students to accelerate their professionalization by bringing them closer to the realities of companies and facilitating their search for internships, work-study programs and jobs.

Encouraging contacts

Annual meetings are organized for companies looking for engineers in Polytech's 9 high-tech specialties : Biological Engineering - Biomedical Engineering - Civil Engineering - Industrial Engineering - Computer Science - Materials - Mechanics and Energy - Microelectronics and Telecommunications - Digital Systems. Conferences organized by the school or its students (Proving Forum / Pôle Avenir) provide an opportunity for companies to present their businesses and innovation.

These are opportunities for partner companies to make themselves known, to communicate about their internship and recruitment needs, and to forge special links with our school.

Polytech Marseille is a key contact for companies recruiting specialized engineers: its student-engineer workforce is the largest in the PACA region, and its courses cover a wide range of engineering fields. Some specialties have proven their worth for over thirty years. More than 8,000 engineers have been trained in Marseille's university engineering programs, now grouped under Polytech Marseille.

  • Polytech annual Job Fair

    The 5th Rencontres Polytech Entreprises took place on March 30 at the World Trade Center Marseille-centre.

    The aim of these meetings is to prepare students entering their final year of studies in September for the start of the new academic year, and who are looking for a work-study or end-of-course placement.

    Future apprentices who will be joining Polytech in September were also invited to the event.

    Nearly 80 partners took part in the various activities on offer to students, in particular the Job Dating event in the afternoon where over 60 companies were present.

    The next edition will take place on April 4, 2024.

    5th Polytech Entreprises Meeting
  • Other annual professional events

    Supported by the Proving Forum Association (student-engineers) and the school, and accredited by SAE, Synergie Aix-Marseille Université Entreprises.

    Label SAE AMU-Entreprise logo
    SAE Label logo

    23rd Biotechnology Forum - "Restorative biotechnologies in the service of health

    Date of last Forum: October 3 and 4, 2022

    Modalities: Annual event, biotechnology conferences, company stands, round-table discussions with graduates talking about their careers.

    Target audience: Biological Engineering students, anyone with an interest in biotechnology.

    Forum Matériaux

    • Modalités : Cette journée (3e édition en octobre 2024) est dédiée aux débouchés de la filière matériaux, elle accueille des alumni et des entreprises qui recrutent ces profils.
    • Cible : Elèves-ingénieurs de la filière matériaux.
    • Prochaine édition : 3 octobre 2024

    22nd ICT and Digital Recruitment Forum

    Last forum date: October 20, 2022

    Over 40 companies attended.

    This specialized recruitment event has become a key regional event for companies looking for young talent in the ICT and digital fields.

    Modalities: Annual event, company stands, round table with Polytech graduates in ICT fields.

    Target: 150 Polytech-Marseille engineering students in Computer Science, Industrial Engineering and Computer Science, Microelectronics and Telecommunications and all students and graduates in these fields (in particular Masters in Computer Science from the Faculty of Sciences at Aix-Marseille University and other engineering schools).

    13th Biomedical Meeting

    Last Forum date: October 14, 2022

    Over 50 Polytech Marseille biomedical engineering graduates and around 20 companies attended.

    Modalities: Annual event focusing either on a technological theme or on biomedical professions, with company stands and round-table discussions with graduates.

    Target group: Biomedical Engineering students, Polytech Marseille and ESIL engineers in the specialization, and anyone interested in Biomedical professions.

  • Polytech Entrepreneurial Challenge

    Supported by the school and Pépite Provence

    Polytech Marseille organized its 2nd entrepreneurial challenge at the beginning of 2023: the aim was to foster the entrepreneurial spirit of student engineers and stimulate their creativity around innovative business projects with a theme: this year, students had to think about the theme of water.

    Accompanied by professionals, coaches and alumni entrepreneurs, the 400 1st-year student-engineers imagined technological solutions in 80 inter-specialty teams set up in advance by the school. They then had to prepare pitches and defend their projects before juries of experts.

    Polytech Innovation Challenge

    Interested in this activity? Ready to act as coaches for the next edition in 2024? Willing to sponsor this challenge with the prospect of high visibility for an entire class of future engineers? Don't hesitate to contact us: or fill in the online form.

  • External events in which Polytech is involved

    Student engineers can take part in the Aix-Marseille University Internship/Employment Forum, take part in the various innovative business creation challenges organized by the university, and attend the Focéen, the major business forum in the Marseille area, organized by Centrale Marseille, every November.


Internships / Apprenticeship / Employment / Job Fairs :

Continuing Education :

Are you a Polytech Marseille Alumni ? Your contact:

Contact à ajouter
University Professor (AMU) Polytech Marseille / IM2NP - Deputy Director of External Relations - Director of CNFM PACA
Contact à ajouter
Corporate & Alumni Relations Officer
Contact à ajouter
Work-study/apprenticeship coordinator