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Student representatives

There are various representative bodies within the school and in the networks that make up its ecosystem. Students are represented on several of them. Below is a non-exhaustive list

Polytech Marseille bodies where student engineers are represented

School Council

Within the framework of university policy and national regulations, the School Council administers the affairs of Polytech Marseille through its deliberations. It is made up of 40 members, including your elected student representatives.

To find out more, go to intra-polytech

Elected members :

Full members

  • Matéo LACROIX
  • Sophia MAIZI
  • Mike ARIES


  • Kevin FEDYNA
  • Amélie KONRATH
  • Rayan HADJ-AMAR

The Student Life Commission (CVE)


  • Promote and sustain the development of student cultural, sporting, social and community activities.
  • Propose issues relating to students' living and working conditions to the President of the School Council.


  • Head of Admissions and Student Life Department : Vanessa Laurent
  • 1 student representative per program
  • 1 student representative for Peip
  • 2 elected members of the School Council
  • President or representative of each Polytech student association: Asso Gala, Proving Forum, BDE.

To find out more, go tointra-polytech

Contact CVE:

Other Polytech Marseille bodies

There are a number of different bodies at Polytech Marseille. You can find a list of these bodies, their members and the minutes of their meetings on the school's intranet [Heading PILOTAGE > Bodies].

Focus on the Executive Committee (CODIR)

It is made up of the management team (EDIR), the department directors and the director of PeiP.

Other representative bodies

Bureau National des Elèves Ingénieurs (BNEI) / Bureau Régional des Elèves Ingénieurs (BREI)

The Bureau National des Elèves Ingénieurs was created in 1998 on the initiative of various BDEs. The BNEI represents all 185,000 engineering students by federating the BDEs of the schools and their elected representatives, whatever their status (public, private) and their supervisory ministry (higher education and research, industry, defense, agriculture, culture and communication).

The Federation of Polytech Network Students (FEDERP)

Created in 2007, FEDERP is an association under the French law of 1901.

Made up of engineering students from the Polytech network, it aims to :

  • to federate the associations representing engineering students at each school in the Polytech network, supporting them in all their activities and projects
  • train student representatives in associative tools
  • to keep all Polytech network students informed, via their representative associations, about common projects and news in the engineering field
  • represent and defend the interests of students in the network at national level.