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Polytech Marseille committed to equal opportunities

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Polytech Marseille has been awarded the "Cordée de la réussite" label. The aim of this scheme is to encourage access to engineering studies for young people who perform well at school, but who, coming from disadvantaged social backgrounds, are less likely to have access to excellent courses at bac + 5 level. It also aims to encourage scientific vocations at an early stage, and to introduce students to the engineering profession.

The CALTECH action

This initiative is based on student volunteers working with secondary school pupils.

The partner schools are :

  • André Malraux secondary school
  • Lycée Blaise Pascal (Microtechnology course)

On the program: tutoring, scientific activities at Polytech supervised by student tutors, visits to research laboratories and exchanges with student-engineer tutors.

It aims to :

  • enable students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are motivated by their schooling to take part in a performance-based approach and gain access to higher education, particularly in the scientific field.
  • encourage individualized support.
  • raise awareness of the various training paths, preparatory classes and grandes écoles, in order to trigger personal ambition.

The SPRING share

This program is aimed at students recruited after the baccalaureate in the preparatory cycle. It is designed to compensate for what some students find difficult to find within their families: advice on their studies, material resources, opportunities to learn English, contacts with professionals in companies, information on science and technology...

In concrete terms, it consists of :

  • providing specific assistance in choosing an engineering course of study
  • providing material assistance in the form of portable computer equipment and course and exercise books
  • offer student tutoring AND teacher tutoring
  • offer a language course to practice English
  • offer an opening onto scientific culture, with visits to laboratories, regular reading of popular science magazines, links with international science news, etc.

* SPRING, Follow a Path to Success to become an Engineer

The CALTECH action

This initiative is based on student volunteers working with secondary school pupils.

The partner schools are :

  • André Malraux secondary school
  • Lycée Blaise Pascal (Microtechnology course)

On the program: tutoring, scientific activities at Polytech supervised by student tutors, visits to research laboratories and exchanges with student-engineer tutors.

It aims to :

  • enable students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are motivated by their schooling to take part in a performance-based approach and gain access to higher education, particularly in the scientific field.
  • encourage individualized support.
  • raise awareness of the various training paths, preparatory classes and grandes écoles, in order to trigger personal ambition.

Contacts cordée de la réussite

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