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Noémie Bonnans
At the end of my training as an Industrial Risk Prevention Engineer at Polytech Grenoble, I was looking for meaning in what was to become my profession, to reconcile my values, to feel useful and to work for a better world. The Mastère Spécialisé® EC […] Read more
Noémie Bonnans

At the end of my training as an Industrial Risk Prevention Engineer at Polytech Grenoble, I was looking for meaning in what was to become my profession, to reconcile my values, to feel useful and to work for a better world. The Mastère Spécialisé® ECOD (Specialized Master's Degree in Industrial Risk Prevention) gave me the opportunity to add to my baggage with cross-disciplinary training in the circular economy. I learned an enormous amount during the year, and found my way through the courses, projects and company visits organized as part of the Mastère Spécialisé® ECOD. Today, everything makes sense, I'm fulfilled in my work and I'm very grateful to MS ECOD for that!

Vítor Fernandes Severino
My name is Vítor Fernandes Severino, I'm 26 years old, Brazilian and a recent graduate of Polytech Marseille's Mastère Spécialisé® Économie Circulaire et Organisation Durable, class of 2023. My academic background also includes degrees in Industrial […] Read more
Vítor Fernandes Severino

My name is Vítor Fernandes Severino, I'm 26 years old, Brazilian and a recent graduate of Polytech Marseille's Mastère Spécialisé® Économie Circulaire et Organisation Durable, class of 2023. My academic background also includes degrees in Industrial Engineering and Computer Science from Polytech Marseille and in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil.

At the end of 2021, during my studies in Industrial and Computer Engineering, I learned of the opening of the new Mastère Spécialisé® in Circular Economy and Sustainable Organization (ECOD) at Polytech Marseille, created by Patrick Pujo and Fouzia Ounnar, my former professors, whose dedication had already marked my career path. As a Brazilian who has witnessed the ecological and social repercussions of meteoric economic growth linked to unbridled and unregulated industrialization and intensive agriculture, this opportunity resonated deeply with my aspirations.

The Mastère Spécialisé® ECOD is distinguished by its dynamic pedagogical approach and the distribution of its courses, supported by competent lecturers with extensive experience in the field. The courses offer a panoramic view of today's economy, exposing existing practices while forging alternative paths to lightening our footprint on the Earth. Thanks to this training, I have acquired the skills to Study, Change, Observe and Disseminate a sustainable future with passion and commitment.

My time at the Mastère Spécialisé® ECOD has been incredibly rewarding, both professionally and personally. Not only do I feel ready to enter a market in full ecological transition, but I also see myself as a more conscious individual, ready to contribute positively to a new world. It's not just training I've received, but a call to act for the good of all, which I now wear with pride.

Specialized in concentrated solar thermal energy and energy storage. As part of my course on the heat equation, I invite students to think about the concept of solar furnaces. Then we move on to the practical realization of these furnaces, according […] Read more

Specialized in concentrated solar thermal energy and energy storage. As part of my course on the heat equation, I invite students to think about the concept of solar furnaces. Then we move on to the practical realization of these furnaces, according to each student's plans. They are then tested and characterized. Since 2021, we have also been organizing a solar cooking contest, the "Massilia Solar Cooking Contest", in partnership with the solar restaurant "le Présage" and the association "les Festins Photoniques".

Morgane LEROY
Discovering the world of management and logistics was exciting, but I wanted to direct my skills towards more sustainable practices. Polytech Marseille's Mastère ECOD proved to be the ideal choice for me to specialize in the circular economy and sust […] Read more
Morgane LEROY

Discovering the world of management and logistics was exciting, but I wanted to direct my skills towards more sustainable practices. Polytech Marseille's Mastère ECOD proved to be the ideal choice for me to specialize in the circular economy and sustainable organization.

During the program, I gained practical expertise in integrating the circular economy into today's society. What was even more interesting was that I discovered new horizons such as IT, the integration of technological solutions to make businesses more efficient.

It also introduced me to continuous improvement, a crucial skill in today's business world. Today, I combine this knowledge to tackle business challenges with a more sustainable and efficient perspective. The Mastère ECOD really opened unexpected doors and shaped my career in a positive way.

François-Xavier Seheut de Ronchi
"I started my career in the world of industry and data, I've always progressed in this fast-moving field, I've trained myself, I've taken professional initiatives that have led me to develop skills. Today I'm working for an international IT services […] Read more
François-Xavier Seheut de Ronchi

"I started my career in the world of industry and data, I've always progressed in this fast-moving field, I've trained myself, I've taken professional initiatives that have led me to develop skills. Today I'm working for an international IT services company with a real expert image ... which means I can choose the projects I work on. "

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