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Students in scientific "classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles" (CPGE) enter Polytech Marseille via the national competitive entrance exams. The sections differ from one stream to another, and the competitive entrance exams differ according to the preparatory class section.

Polytech Marseille offers a choice of 9 specialties, covering all fields of engineering science: Biological Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Computer Science, Materials, Mechanics and Energy, Microelectronics and Telecommunications, Digital Systems.

  • Terms and conditions

    Admissibility through written examinations:

    Oral tests for those eligible:

    ATS Technologies Industrielles: ENSEA oral exams

    BCPST, MP, PC, PSI, PT, TSI: TIPE, Personalized Supervised Initiative Work

    Students from CPGE streams not mentioned above (specialized ATS not able to apply via ENSEA's ATS competitive entrance exam, TPC), can apply via the Polytech network's concours commun sur titre.

    * Former Archimède competitive entrance examination

  • Calendar

    Candidates register on the SCEI website, Service Concours Ecoles d'Ingénieurs :

    • For ATS students: from February to March.
    • For all others (BCPST, MP, PC, PSI, PT, TSI): from December to January.
  • Profiles recruited

    Number of places at Polytech Marseille :

    • Biological engineering: 6
    • Biomedical engineering: 13
    • Civil engineering: 18
    • Industrial engineering: 25
    • Computer science: 10
    • Materials engineering: 14
    • Mechanical and energy engineering: 27
    • Microelectronics and telecommunications: 20
    CPGE recruited in Polytech Marseille specialties

    Specialties and sections of Classes préparatoires recruited

    • BCPST (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences)
      • Biological engineering
      • Biomedical engineering
    • MP (Mathematics, Physics)
      • Biomedical engineering
      • Civil engineering
      • Industrial Engineering
      • Computer Science
      • Materials
      • Mechanical and energy engineering
      • Microelectronics and Telecommunications
    • PC (Physics, Chemistry)
      • Biomedical engineering
      • Civil engineering
      • Industrial engineering
      • Computer Science
      • Materials
      • Mechanical and energy engineering
      • Microelectronics and Telecommunications
    • PSI: (Physics, Engineering Science)
      • Biomedical engineering
      • Civil Engineering
      • Industrial Engineering
      • Computer Science
      • Materials
      • Mechanical and energy engineering
      • Microelectronics and Telecommunications
    • ATS (1-year industrial technology for senior technicians)
      • Industrial engineering
      • Materials
      • Mechanics and energy
      • Microelectronics and Telecommunications
    • TSI (Technology and Industrial Sciences)
      • Civil engineering
      • Industrial engineering
      • Computer Science
      • Mechanics and energy
      • Microelectronics and Telecommunications
    • PT (Physics and Technology)
      • Civil Engineering
      • Industrial Engineering
      • Mechanical and energy engineering
      • Microelectronics and Telecommunications
    • MPi (Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science)
      • Industrial Engineering
      • Computer Science
      • Microelectronics and Telecommunications

    Number of places at Polytech Marseille :

    • Biological engineering: 6
    • Biomedical engineering: 13
    • Civil engineering: 18
    • Industrial engineering: 25
    • Computer science: 10
    • Materials engineering: 14
    • Mechanical and energy engineering: 27
    • Microelectronics and telecommunications: 20