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Every year, Polytech Marseille admits students with diplomas equivalent to French Bac +2, 3, 4 after a competitive examination. More than one in ten of the school's engineering students is of foreign nationality, having studied abroad before joining the school.

  • Terms and conditions

    Recruitment procedures differ according to the course of study you are following:

    • Students in preparatory classes (CPGE) for grandes écoles abroad (or equivalent): you must apply via a CPGE concours commun. However, if you're in an integrated preparatory class (equivalent to a 1st or 2nd year of a 4 or 5-year engineering school), you'll need to apply via a concours sur titre. You'll need to pre-register on the admissions site of the Polytech Network .

    • If you're a student in a Bachelor's (2nd or 3rd year) or Master's degree program, you're eligible for a competitive entrance exam. Application procedures vary, but in all cases you'll need to pre-register on the Réseau Polytech admissions website. Polytech Network .

    • Students already enrolled in a scientific DUT or L2 program in France as part of a program managed by a French organization (Etudes en FranceSFERE...) must pre-register on the admissions website of the Polytech Network in the same way as French university students.

    Competition procedures: links with the"Etudes en France" procedure

    If you are a student at a higher education establishment abroad, you are in one of the following two situations:

    • The country where you are currently studying is not covered by the "Etudes en France" procedure(see list of countries and explanations below): You must pre-register between January 5 and April 6, 2022 (5pm) on the Polytech Network. You will need to compile 1 application file for each of your specialization wishes (a maximum of 3 wishes in at least 2 different schools).

    • If you currently reside in a country covered by the Etudes en France program, you must first create your file as soon as possible on the Etudes en France in your country of residence from November 2022. You must then validate your application. If you have respected these deadlines, the Admissions department of the Polytech network will contact you by e-mail to create a registration on the Polytech Network competitive entrance exam website. Wishes will also be defined in Campus France, but eligibility and admission results will be published on the Polytech Network.

    In all cases, eligible candidates will be invited (by e-mail and on the Réseau Polytech website) to a motivational interview: either in their country of residence, or remotely (by videoconference). Further information will be available in the candidate space on the Polytech Network website.

    Enrolling in a French higher education institution

    • To enroll in a French higher education institution, it is imperative to follow a procedure that depends on the student's nationality, country of residence and the nature of the studies envisaged. On the Etudes en Francewebsite, you'll find all the information you need.

    • If you are in a country with a Etudes en France procedure, your VISA application will be processed via your Etudes en France registration. Otherwise, you'll need to contact the relevant consular services (embassy, consulate, etc.). Please note that the school does not intervene in the process of granting a student visa (exclusive prerogative of the consular services).

    • List of countries with the Etudes en France procedure :

      • Africa : Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mauritius, Senegal, Tunisia.

      • Americas : Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States.

      • Asia - Middle East: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Russia, South Korea, Syria, Taiwan, Turkey, Vietnam.

  • Calendar

    The 2024 admissions are closed, the 2025 calendar will be available around December 2024.

    • Registration before April Publication of eligibility (candidates authorized to attend interview): June
    • Interviews take place in June
    • Admission results published in June

    All results are published on the Polytech account and sent by e-mail.
    For applicants under the Etudes en France procedure, the admission will be transcribed into their Etudes en France accoun

  • Tuition fees

    (Valid only for applications to Polytech Marseille)

    Since 2019, the partial exemption policy voted by the Aix-Marseille Université Board of Directors is changing for non-EU students,
    Find all the information you need at the following link, as well as an FAQ on differential fees.

  • Polytech France program

    The Polytech France program for English-speaking students!

    Since the start of the 2019 academic year, the Polytech network has introduced a brand new program, in an original format, aimed at English-speaking students. The first year, is dedicated to immersion in French culture (intensive language courses, cultural visits, one-week immersion in the Polytech school of specialization). This year takes place in Marseille, in cooperation with Polytech Marseille for program coordination, the Aix-Marseille University language center and all the schools in the network for the immersion week. On entering the program, each student chooses his or her specialty for the following two years, enabling them to enter the engineering cycle at one of the schools in the Polytech network.

    Applications for admission to the program must be completed by March 31.