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Admission_Entrée en cycle ingénieur_Après une L2, L3 et Masters.png

Students with Bac +2, +3, +4 can enter the engineering cycle via the Réseau Polytech competitive entrance exam, which gives them the opportunity to enter one of the Réseau's schools. All information on admission procedures and the competition interface is available on the School Network.

The network's engineering specialties recruit different profiles. Applicants must have followed a course of study after the baccalaureate that matches the specialization for which they are applying.

  • Terms and conditions

    L2, L3 and Masters admissions

    L2, L3 students must pre-register (from January to April) on the Réseau Polytech application site to apply for 3rd year (= 1st year of the engineering cycle). The candidate will submit a single application to a school in the Polytech network (Polytech Marseille for the Aix Marseille, Avignon and Corsica academies). If eligible, candidates will be invited to a one-off interview at the Polytech school of their choice, on a date of their choice (in June). Candidates can then draw up a wish list of the engineering specialties open to them.

    In 2023, Polytech Marseille has 40 places for L2/L3 students.

    Students in their 1st year of a Master's degree (M1) or equivalent, are recruited to enter the 4th year (2nd year of the engineering cycle). When registering on the Réseau Polytech application site (from January to April), candidates can make 3 wishes from among 80 specializations (2 maximum in the same school), and must put together 1 file for each wish (files sent to each of the schools concerned).

    Entrance fee : €95 or free for French government scholarship holders.

  • Calendar

    • Registration : Between January and March
    • Online application deadline: May 
    • Eligibility : June
    • Interviews : June
    • Admission publication (1st call): June

    See more details on the French website.

  • Profiles recruited

    Profiles recruited in Polytech Marseille's specialties
    Specialties Main subjects required
    Biological engineering Biology, Chemistry
    Biomedical engineering Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Computer Science
    Civil Engineering Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Electronics
    Industrial engineering Mathematics, Computer Science, Electronics, Automation
    Computer Science Mathematics, Computer Science
    Materials Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
    Mechanics and energy Mathematics, Physics, Mechanics, Electronics
    Microelectronics and Telecommunications Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Information Technology