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Are you planning to study at Polytech Marseille? You can estimate your budget based on the major expense items below, or visit the AMU website for a more precise monthly budget.

Expenses Tariffs given as an indication for the year 2022/2023
Tuition fees Approximately €600 per year
Supplementary health insurance (optional) between €60 and €600 per year, depending on reimbursement formula
CVEC (Student and Campus Life Contribution) 90 € for non-scholarship holders (free for scholarship holders) - includes the Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (FSDIE), university sports fees (SUAPPS) and preventive medicine.
Rent (including utilities)

From €156 per month minimum for a CROUS comfort room

between €400 and €600 per month minimum for a 20 m2 studio in the private sector

Compulsory home insurance Between €20 and €100 per year, depending on accommodation and insurance company.

CROUS catering

(cafeterias and university restaurants -

student meal ticket €3.30 or

1€ for scholarship holders)

300 per month if not on scholarship
RTM urban transport at the youth fare (under 26) 36.70 per month approx.
University supplies 20 € per month approx.

Don't forget to include Internet, cell phone and leisure expenses in your budget.

Housing assistance from the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales (CAF) can significantly reduce your rent. Please note that CAF assistance is only available once your residence permit has been regularized.

If you have a scholarship, remember to update your situation with the Crous every year.

The government-backed loan for your studies

As a student, to be eligible for a government-backed loan, all you need to do is meet the following conditions:

  • You are under 28 years of age
  • You are a French or EU national

You can borrow a maximum of €20,000, for a term of between 2 and 10 years. There are a limited number of banks that can offer the state-guaranteed loan: Crédit Mutuel, Banques Populaires, Banque Postale, etc. Please refer to the list up to date at the start of your application. To have your bank account domiciled with the same bank as your lender, you'll need to change banks (see the bank mobility service). This involves opening a new bank account, transferring your transfers and direct debits and closing your previous bank account. To take out a loan without having to change banks, contact each bank to find out whether you need to be an existing customer for your application to be considered.